S. Demetz’ Academy of Singing
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S. Demetz’ Academy of Singing

The Sigurdur Demetz’ Academy of Singing

The Academy was founded in the year 1995 under the name “The New Singing School”. In the year 2006 the board of the School decided to change its name to commemorate the protector of the school and renowned singing teacher Sigurður Demetz. The Academy is today one of the most popular places to study singing and offers increased emphasis on musical theatre from year to year, giving students the chance to take part in 3-4 productions each season.


Courses are divided into four main categories:

Elementary students – Students at the age of 11-15
Midrange (High School level)
Advanced (College level)
4th stage students (University level)
Further information on upper level courses


The Academy offers 6 to 8 masterclasses over the whole school year – 2,5 hour each with some extinguished guest professors. Recent guests include Neil Semer, Roberta Cunningham, Ólafur Kjartan Sigurðarson, Lothar Odinius, Michael J. Moritz, Elmar Gilbertsson, Sveinn Hjörleifsson, Gary Jankowski and Kristinn Sigmundsson.

Opera class chorus

The opera class will be joined by our musical class next year in a project with a concert/musical promoter in Iceland for a professional production of Phantom of the Opera in our music house Harpa, Eldborg – main hall. Students in upper levels are participants in the program.


The Sigurður Demetz Academy of Singing cooperates with Fjölbrautaskólinn við Ármúla (The Comprehensive College/­Comprehensive Secondary School at Ármúli – an estimation of value towards an educational diploma ) and Listaháskóli Íslands (Icelandic Academy of the Arts – joined courses at Open University).